On May 5, 1992 Wolfenstein 3D was release and it would forever change video game history. A video game that introduced the First-person Shooter genre to the World. A video game that will be forever adored by those of us who were lucky enough to be alive and young when it was released to the World. Only those us who who lived through it know how great of a video game it truly is.

My first experience with Wolfenstein 3D was a demo floppy disc that a friend of a friend had. It was just one level, the very first level but I was blown away by the gameplay. By todays standards it doesn’t seem like much but back in the early 90’s it was something that blew us away graphics wise.
I will never forget the profound impacted it left upon me. It was like no other video game of it’s kind and it ushered in a genre that would be known as First-person shooters. A video game genre that immersed the player into the video game like no other before it’s time.

So today I celebrate the day Wolfenstein 3D was release to all of us.
Now stop being a bitch click on the link that says “Click Here to Play Wolfenstein 3D” and make sure you select “I am Death Incarnate!” because if you beat the game on any lesser difficulty then you’re just a girly man.
“Mein Leben!“

This game is on the list as one of the best ever made.

Click Here to Play Wolfenstein 3D
And for those of you who would dare talk shit about this game.

Just know you were never worthy enough to play it in the first place.